Effects of an experimental herb-phage preparation for hoof care in dairy cows as a possibility to improve the welfare


Lameness in cattle is a multifactorial health problem in large herds in the all parts of the world, which has a negative influence on production. During the clinical signs of lameness in cows has been observed a significant changes in activity, development of chronić stress reaction, oxidative stress and reproductive parametres disturbances. To avoid these helath and production problems it’s necessary to implementation a new technologies which are helpfull in welfare improvement i.e. natural products like bacteriophages mioxed with herb extracts. In our research, a preparation containing plant extracts and oils in combination with selected bacteriophages was developed. The obtained resuts at this stage of the experiment confirmed a significant almost 100% antibacterial effect against bacteria isolated from clinical cases of lameness in dairy cows in vitro. We also observed short-term effects of the preparation used in dairy cows:Improving the condition of the hooves - more durable, shiny, less brittle, reducing pain symptoms in animals, also in cows immediately after hoof trimming and increasing the frequency of cows approaching the feed table. However the experiment is still going on and we well evaluate the long-term effect of using of this mixture.


Rafał Stachura
Rafał Stachura
Piotr Hola
Piotr Hola
Klaudia Herman
Klaudia Herman
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Referat zjazdowy konferencji międzynarodowej
Proceedings of the International Scientific and Practical Conference “The state and prospects of Veterinary and Animal husbandry development in the Republic of Kazakhstan”, dedicated to the 80th anniversary of Academician of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Doctor of Veterinary Sciences, Professor Saiduldin Tleuberdy. – Аlmaty: KazNARU, 2023
Almaty 2023
s. 468-474