The paper presents the results of contact strength and tribological property tests of spare parts made of a popular resin using a 3D DLP printing technology. Two printer models by the same manufacturer were used in the study. The post-processing technique, which shapes the final functional properties, was diversified. Surface performance properties were compared, i.e. Shore hardness, indentation hard-ness, Martens hardness, elastic modulus, and parameters related to surface creep and relaxation. Tribo-logical durability in rotary motion and tribological wear in reciprocating linear motion were also eval-uated using micro- and nanotribometers. This was followed by surface analyses of the friction track of the analysed materials using microscopic methods: a scanning electron microscope, a WLI interfer-ometric microscope, and an optical microscope. The results were statistically processed and the rela-tionship between the parameters determined in the indentation test was determined.