In response to the challenges posed by modern plant micropropagation techniques, a promising technology for gro-wing shoots temporarily immersed in nutrient solution (temporary immersion system, TIS) using SETIS™ bioreac-tors has been developed. In this experiment, the suitability of this technology for the propagation of Chlorophytum comosum (Thunb.) Jacques was assessed. In vitro culture was carried out using a conventional technique on solid and liquid media using the SETIS™ bioreactor. The study has demonstrated that the efficiency of liquid culture using the SETIS™ bioreactor is higher than the conventional culture. The highest multiplication coefficient, fresh weight of regenerants, and RGR index value in bioreactor cultures were recorded on Rugini OM medium. No statistically significant differences between MS medium and Rugini OM medium regarding shoot length and vigour with this culture method were found. When using the conventional way, better results can be achieved with MS medium.