Multi criteria analysis of municipal solid waste management and resource recovery in Poland compared to other EU countries


Statistics show that the inhabitants of Poland are producing increasingly more household waste. This article attempts to determine the current level of development of Poland in the field of waste management concerning other EU countries and partner countries; identify trends in the mass of generated, segregated, and mixed municipal waste; and obtain an idea of the attitude of the Polish population toward sorting waste at the source to bring the country to a higher level of waste management. The empirical base is statistical data published on the website of the EU Data Explorer and the Central Statistical Office. The ranking of countries was determined by the TOPSIS method using a synthetic indicator based on the selected diagnostic features. The significance of the obtained ranks was tested using the non-parametric Friedman test (p < 0.01). We established that Poland has been consistently ranked 16th-17th over the past 5 years. Unfortunately, thus far, no systematic approach has been found to raise citizens' awareness, which may be due to the lack of the necessary amount of data. Researchers recommend investigating the sensitivity of the relationship between the generation of alternative energy from waste and the authorities' action.


Viola Vambol
Viola Vambol
Siergiej Vambol
Siergiej Vambol
Nadeem A. Khan
Nadeem A. Khan
Marianna Goroneskul
Marianna Goroneskul
Oleg Kruzhilko
Oleg Kruzhilko
Scientific Reports
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