Although Hedera helix and Linaria vulgaris are considered toxic plants, their extracts containing many bioactive compounds are commonly used in the pharmaceutical and cosmetics industries. Plant secretory structures are considered the primary site of synthesis and accumulation of many valuable metabolites. The presence of secretory structures and the location of active substances in H. helix leaf petioles and L. vulgarisinflorescence shoots were detected using light microscopy and histochemical and fluorescence tests. The analyses showed schizogenic secretory ducts in the H. helix petioles and capitate glandular trichomes on the surface of the L. vulgaris shoots. The secretion and secretory cells of the H. helix ducts and the L. vulgaris tri-chomes contained acidic and neutral lipids, sesquiterpenes, polyphenols, tannins, flavonoids, phenolic acids, neutral and acidic polysaccharides, proteins and alkaloids. Data on the secretory structures and taxonomic and morpho-anatomical traits of the analysed raw materials may help evaluate their quality (falsification).