The paper presents the main problems of nature and forestry educa-
tion based on social media (Facebook). Special attention was given to the general
function of social media, emphasizing the negative phenomena that accompany
it. The limited knowledge of national aspects of online education was highlighted.
The identified, most significant problems present in the use of social media to dis-
seminate knowledge of nature and forestry include: a low level of knowledge about
the national educational aspects conducted online, the lack of a detailed demo-
graphic description of people visiting these profiles or the lack of a tool (program,
algorithm, application), which would allow one to determine the level of know-
ledge in the field of nature and forest education among social media users. Given
such complex problems of educational, communicational, and civilizational nature,
it is necessary to consider the correctness of conducting education on a fundamen-
tal level. It would facilitate building human relationships, positively affecting both
participants’ and educators’ mental and physical health, and reduce the negative
phenomena and society’s behavior on social media.