The purpose of the study was to use reverse engineering to model bio-logical products, especially sugar beet root. In the process of creating the solid model, the appropriate tools available in the 3D design envi-ronment were applied. The 3D scan of the beet, in the form of a spatial point cloud, was used to project the root geometry. This was, in turn, used to construct a triangulation grid that includes nodal points of tri-angles. The subsequent steps presented the process of creating a solid model using the Interpolation Spline tool. Attention has been paid to the possibility of modifying the geometry by inserting additional points into the existing interpolation spline and changing angular position as well as the distance of the structural planes. Geometry mapping error values were determined with regard to the reference model depending on the spread value of the Structural Planes. Error courses are non-lin-ear with a logarithmic line trend (surface field error) and a linear line trend (volume error). The effects demonstrated the usefulness of geom-etry projection and its applicability to support the strength testing of biological materials, with particular emphasis on dynamic tests using whole roots.