Fizjologiczne i zdrowotne następstwa diety bezmięsnej-dziczyzna jako alternatywa żywieniowa


The paper presents an overview of issues related to the recently promoted and increasing trends in reducing or eliminating the consumption of animal products, mainly meat and fat. Although the consumption of meat and meat products increases every year, the opinion of people promoting the so-called “healthy lifestyle” defines the enormous harmfulness of these products to the human body. However, in terms of physiological and metabolic issues, animal products, including meat and fats, are essential for the proper functioning of every organism. This is due to the fact that these products contain proteins with a very favorable amino acid composition, a number of bioelements as well as vitamins, including those that are not synthesized in the human body. Also, the elimination of animal fats from the diet has a significant and negative impact on physiological processes, as fats are the most concentrated source of energy and many vitamins. They are also a source of polyunsaturated omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids, which are not synthesized in the human body, and are essential in metabolic processes and play a huge role in maintaining mental and physical fitness of the body. These ingredients contain no or limited amounts of plant products. Thus, in the light of the presented trends, meat from wild animals may be a specific nutritional alternative to meat of farm animals. Compared to the meat of farm animals, this meat contains more protein rich in essential amino acids and slightly less fat, with a very favorable profile of fatty acids, especially polyunsaturated to saturated (PUFA/SFA). In addition, it does not contain residues of antibiotics and growth stimulants, which are found in products derived from farm animals. It is therefore characterized by very good nutritional values, such as: aroma, taste, juiciness and delicacy, and above all, high nutritional value as well as dietary and health-promoting values. Thus, this meat should be an indispensable component of our diet, subject to its optimal balancing depending on the physiological state of the body, age and physical effort to which it is subjected in given conditions. At the same time, a fairly significant barrier to game consumption is its availability, and above all, the price. Bearing in mind the described nutritional and health-promoting values of venison, its producers should undertake a number of marketing and promotional campaigns in order to develop optimal methods of its distribution to the society, and above all, limiting its availability and consumption through a price barrier.


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