Subject and place matters - an analysis of field−based educational infrastructure used in informal forest education (Znaczenie tematu i miejsca - analiza terenowej infrastruktury edukacyjnej wykorzystywanej w nieformalnej edukacji leśnej)


Educational trails are one of the basic elements supporting forest education. The key component of their management is educational boards, whose task is to support informal activities in the field of forest education. However, the content on the boards is not always written in accessible language, and the topics presented on them are often not directly related to the area where they are located. The main purpose of this study is to identify the primary topics that are posted on educational boards. Additionally, the study attempts to determine if the topics on the boards are related to the level of accessibility of the primary texts posted on them and the overall location of the educational trail. This paper is a continuation of research on the use of educational boards in informal forest education. The research was conducted on the basis of photographs of educational boards located on six educational trails in the forests of the Regional Directorate of State Forests in Lublin. The first stage of the research was a field inspection combined with photographic documentation of each board. Using the Google Lans application, the main text from each board was read and then analyzed in the Promovolt program to determine the level of text accessibility using the Fog Index. A total of 89 educational boards were analyzed and the study was conducted in April 2019. Our results show that the leading topics presented on the educational boards appeared to be sustainable forest management, forest vegetation, or conservation. As the level of accessibility of the texts decreased, the sentences were longer and more complex which may negatively affect the transfer of information. The level of accessibility of texts is directly related to the topics on the educational boards, while the topics on the boards are related to the location of the trail in a given forest district. The ducational trails should have educational boards presenting a variety of topics, written in simple language, understandable to the general public. With such an approach, informal forest education will be more effective, and forest users will be able to learn more and broaden their interests.


Emilia Janeczko
Emilia Janeczko
otwarte czasopismo
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