Sweet potato (Ipomoea batatas L. [Lam]) as an alternative to climate change in Europe


Climate changes in the recent period, with a tendency to increase pedological and atmospheric droughts, determine Europe to choose new plant species that can more easily withstand thermal and hydrothermal stress, because the southern part of Hungary, Romania, Slovakia, and Poland is a natural background, who favouring of significant the impact of drought on crops. The importance of growing sweet potatoes is dueboth to the possibility of expanding the yield in areas where potatoes are degenerating and the need to diversify the vegetable assortment with less known species but with high nutritional value that will effectively use the mesoclimatic conditions, especially in sandy soil in of Romania, or Polish. New varieties of sweet potatoes to establish profitability of their cultivation in marginal soils in south-eastern and central-eastern Europe. The high nutritional, energy, pharmacological and fodder value of sweet potato is an important subject of scientific research, not only in America, Africa, and Asia, but also in Europe under the conditions of climate change. The content of basic substances, such as carbohydrates, proteins, lipids, carotenoids, anthocyanin’s,


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International Conference on Emerging Technology and Interdisciplinary Sciences (ICETIS 2021) : Social media accessibility: Opportunities and challenges for rural communities
[b.m.] 2022
s. 196-204
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