In Europe, honey bees and bumble bees are among the most important pollinators, and there is a growing interest in
understanding the effects of floral resource availability on their survival. Yet, to date, data on nectar and pollen sup-
plies available to bees in agricultural landscapes are still scarce. In this paper, we quantify species-, habitat- and
landscape-scale pollen production in the Lublin Upland, SE Poland. The production per unit area was highest
(mean = 2.2–2.6 g/m2) in non-forest woody vegetation, field margins and fallows, whilst significantly lower pollen
amounts were shown to be available in road verges and railway embankments (mean = 1.3–1.6 g/m2). At landscape
scale, natural and semi-natural areas (forests and meadows/pastures) offered ca. 44% of the total pollen resources dur-
ing the year. Relatively high amounts of pollen (ca. 35% of the year-round total pollen resources) were from winter
rape, but this resource was short-term. Man-made, non-cropped habitats added only ca. 18% of the total pollen
mass offered for pollinators during flowering season. However, they provided 66–99% of pollen resources available
from July to October. There exists an imbalance in the availability of pollen resources throughout the year. Hence, a
diversity of natural, semi-natural and man-made, non-cropped areas is required to support the seasonal continuity
of pollen resources for pollinators in an agricultural landscape. Efforts should be made to secure habitat heterogeneity
to enhance the flower diversity and continual pollen availability for pollinators.