Analysis of the implementation of land consolidation and exchange in the villages of the Leżajsk district


Rural areas in Poland have a diversified spatial structure. The spatial structure of rural areas is improved by the procedures of land consolidation and exchange, aimed at creating more favourable management conditions in agriculture and forestry by developing the area structure of agricultural holdings, forests and forest lands, as well as rational shaping of land layouts and adjusting real estate boundaries to a system of land reclamation devices, roads and terrain. The Leżajsk district covers an area of 58,372 ha, including 40 cadastral precincts. So far, land consolidation has been performed in 29 villages, covering 46 113 ha, which is 79.0% of the total area of the district. Land consolidation in the Leżajsk district was carried out at various periods due to the changing legal regulations. The paper aims to present a chronological analysis of the land consolidation works conducted in the villages of the Leżajsk district, located in the Podkarpackie Voivodeship in 1945–2013, along with anticipated and implemented land consolidation works in the years 2014–2020.


Klaudia Maciąg
Klaudia Maciąg
Michał Maciąg
Michał Maciąg
Adrian Moskal
Adrian Moskal
Kornelia Moskal
Kornelia Moskal
Geomatics, Landmanagement and Landscape
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