Method of evaluation of materials wear of cylinder-piston group of diesel engines in the biodiesel fuel environment


This article concerns the method of material consumption assessment of the cylinder-piston group of diesel engines in the biodiesel environment. The obtained experimental dependences of the wear coefficients on the example of the tribounit cylinder liner and the piston ring can be used to forecast the resource use during operation under specific conditions of the engine and the environment as a whole. The article systematizes the types of biofuels, depending on the type of raw materials from which they were made, taking into account the process and application. The physical and chemical aspects of the catalysts used for biofuels were indicated. The applied experimental methods for tribological wear of the piston-cylinder pair were analyzed. B70 biodiesel was used in the research, i.e., 70% mineral diesel oil and 30% methyl esters of rapeseed oil. Experimental tribotechnical studies of the influence of biofuels on the behavior of various materials have shown that when using this type of fuel, it is necessary to replace the materials from which some parts of the cylinder-piston group are made. To solve this problem, research has been carried out on a specially designed friction machine. The novelty in the article concerns the association, based on the literature, of hydrogen consumption causing material wear in friction contacts. The mechanism of the interaction of various construction materials during such friction has been disclosed.


Dmytro Zhuravel
Dmytro Zhuravel
Andrii Bondar
Andrii Bondar
Viktoriia Lemeshchenko-Lagoda
Viktoriia Lemeshchenko-Lagoda
Boris Boltianskyi
Boris Boltianskyi
Larysa Boltianska
Larysa Boltianska
Hanna Syrotyuk
Hanna Syrotyuk
Serhiy Syrotyuk
Serhiy Syrotyuk
Ryszard Konieczny
Ryszard Konieczny
Gabriel Filipczak
Gabriel Filipczak
Dorota Anders
Dorota Anders
Barbara Dybek
Barbara Dybek
Grzegorz Wałowski
Grzegorz Wałowski
otwarte czasopismo
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