Each element of space is a potential sign or it can become thanks to the author’s
intentions. Sign and symbol issues are used in design for the development of the area a
St. Urszula Ledóchowska church in Lublin. The work defines the concept of a church garden as
well as f
eatures and functions of a
welldesigned object. The fieldwork consisted of carrying out
a detailed dendrological inventory and assessing the condi
tion of existing facility. Then,
a conceptual design was developed, which proposed a new selection of plants with the
preservation of some existing trees. The surface has been completely changed and elements of
small architecture have been added. The area
was divided into three zones: representative,
contemplative and relaxing. The whole idea is to serve the clergy and parishioners, while being
a vote of gratitude to St. Urszula Ledóchowska.