Study of operating parameters of a plate conveyor used in the food industry


Internal transport (means of continuous transport) is an inseparable element of technological processes in the food industry. The selection of appropriate parameters of the transport equipment depends on the product being manufactured, its design features, packaging and transport conditions. The paper presents the characteristics of a plate conveyor, selection of operating parameters in the juice transport process in a glass bottle. The paper presents selected test results depending on the linear speed of the plate conveyor, the angle of inclination of the load mass transport module and the position of the gravity centre. The work defined the linear speed ranges of the conveyor and the angle of inclination of the conveyor transporting module for transported glass bottles filled with juice.


A. Nieoczym
A. Nieoczym
D. Barta
D. Barta
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Referat zjazdowy konferencji międzynarodowej
IOP Conference Series. Materials Science and Engineering
2019 Vol. 710, Number 1
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