Impact of storage temperature and time on Moldavian dragonhead oil - spectroscopic and chemometric analysis


Moldavian dragonhead (Dracocephalum moldavica L.) is a plant endemic to Asia where it has been used for centuries for the production of essential oils. With the constantly growing demand for vegetable fats it is necessary to find new methods of ensuring their high quality from the moment of production until their eventual purchase by the consumer. Correct assessment of the quality of oleaginous products is therefore one of the intensively explored scientific problems that stimulates the development of innovative methods of analysing such substances. One of the newer and, most importantly, faster alternatives in the context of analysing the quality of oil and the changes it undergoes during storage is offered by FTIR spectroscopy (Fourier-Transform Infrared spectroscopy). By measuring the relevant FTIR spectra, we were able to observe clear discrepancies in the intensity of bands characteristic of the aging processes taking place in the oleaginous samples due to the oxidation of their fat fractions. The chemometric analysis of FTIR spectra confirmed the high quality of the analysed oils. It is noteworthy that the analysed samples of Moldavian dragonhead oil did not show particularly extensive changes in terms of their FTIR spectra during long-term storage. It confirms their high durability and usability in food production as an excellent product. This is valuable information in order to make progress in the use of Moldavian dragonhead oil in food products.


Open Chemistry
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