The effect of the source and dose of manganese on the performance, digestibility and distribution of selected minerals, redox, and immune status of turkeys


The aim of this study was to determine the effect of various levels of manganese added to the diet of growing turkeys in the conventional form of MnO or in the form of NP-Mn2O3 nanoparticles on growth performance, absorption, and accumulation of Mn, Zn, and Cu, and antioxidant and immune status. The experiment was conducted on 1080 one-day-old Hybrid Converter turkeys randomly assigned to 6 groups with 10 replications, in a two-factor design with three dosages of manganese - 100, 50, and 10 mg/kg, and two sources-manganese oxide (MnO) and manganese nanoparticles (NP-Mn2O3). Neither reducing the addition of Mn from 100 to 50 or even 10 mg/kg of the diet nor replacing MnO with NP-Mn2O3 had a negative effect on the growth performance of the turkeys. Replacing MnO with NP-Mn2O3 in the turkey diet improved ileal digestibility of Mn and decreased accumulation of Cu in the liver and breast muscle. The study showed that irrespective of the form used, reducing the level of Mn supplementation of the diet from the 100 mg/kg recommended by British United Turkey to 50 or 10 mg/kg decreased its ileal digestibility and increased its accumulation in the liver, breast muscle, and skin. Reducing the addition of Mn to the turkey diet increased intestinal absorption of Zn and reduced accumulation of Zn and Cu in the liver, breast muscle, and skin. It did not increase oxidation processes in the liver or breast muscle of the turkeys. Reducing the addition of Mn to the turkey diet stimulated the immune system, which was manifested by stimulation of B cells to produce immunoglobulin M and by the release of the cytokine IL-6, but did not intensify apoptosis. The results of the study indicate that the recommended manganese supplement in turkey diets can be reduced. The use of manganese nanoparticles in turkey feeding requires further study.


Jan Jankowski
Jan Jankowski
Zenon Zduńczyk
Zenon Zduńczyk
Krzysztof Kozłowski
Krzysztof Kozłowski
otwarte czasopismo
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