Segmentacja nabywców na podstawie analizy czynników wpływających na wybór produktów żywnościowych


Market segmentation is the key stage of a marketing strategy development process. It results from the fact that the market segmentation is a starting point of the target consumer choice for every market-driven enterprise. The main aim of the segmentation is to analyze consumers’ needs which create a market. The initiation of any segmentation process builds on knowledge about a client. It is, therefore, crucial for the precise identification and examination of factors affecting consumers’ behaviors. As a result of the right segmentation, the enterprise, using effectively its resources, can create the competitive marketing proposition adapted to expectations of a particular group of consumers. The main purpose of the paper is to present the possibilities of using the k-means method to conduct the customers segmentation in the fruits and vegetables market. The results of a questionnaire survey on the group of 356 students conducted in 2016 were used in statistical analyses. In order to find a consumer profile the principal component analysis was employed. The k-means method allowed the authors to find six homogenous groups of consumers in the fruits and vegetables market. The identified groups are so heterogeneous that it is possible to profile marketing strategies on the basis of customers attitudes and behaviors.


Humanities and Social Sciences
23 (3)
otwarte czasopismo
CC BY-NC-ND Uznanie autorstwa-Użycie niekomercyjne-Bez utworów zależnych 4.0
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