Właściwości wodne i powietrzne gleb parku miejskiego - Ogrodu Saskiego w Lublinie


The water-air properties of Anthrosols were studied in a city park – the Saski Garden in Lublin. Samples for analyses were taken from five pedons, from three horizons: 0-20, 20-40 and 40-60 cm, into metal cylinders with volume of 100 cm3. The analyses included determination of bulk density of the soil, density of the solid phase and water capacity in various states of water potential. Values of total porosity, retention of productive water and water usable for plants, and air capacity in different states of water potential were calculated. Analysing the physical properties of the soils we can conclude that they are, in most cases, very good. The bulk density of the soil in the analysed material was usually less than 1.30 Mg m–3, while the total porosity greater than 0.500 m3 m–3. The parameters characterising the properties of water were also very beneficial: field water capacity (–15.54 kPa) exceeded in most cases the level of 0.350 m3 m–3, and the retention of water usable for plants (–1554 < Ψ < –15.54 kPa) was higher than 0.250 m3 m–3. The field air capacity of the soil layer of 0-20 cm in pedon 1, located in the zone in which persons walk on the lawn, should be considered as too low. The field air capacity proved to be the physical feature that first responded to the risks arising from excessive anthropopressure.


Acta Agrophysica
otwarte czasopismo
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