Możliwość zastosowania gatunków obcego pochodzenia w rewitalizacji obiektów zabytkowych na podstawie występowania drzew pomnikowych (The possibility using alien species in revitalization of historic buildings based on the occurrence of monumental trees)


The paper presents a review of the literature concerning species composition, quantitative distribution and forms of protection of trees in the Lublin Province. In 2014 in the Lublin province 1413 monuments of nature were liste d, and in this number there were single trees, groups of trees, avenues and rows and objects of inanimate nature, souch as boulders or springs. About 1300 entries in the list were related to the protection of trees, which accounted for 92% of all natural monuments. The aim of the study was to determine what species of trees in the climatic conditions of this region are the most durable and long-lived. The analyses carried out showed that the number of coniferous trees under protection is 208. They belonged to 17 species, with the predominance of Larix decidua Mill., Picea abies H. Karst. and Pinus sylvestris L. Particularly valuable items include Ginkgo biloba and Larix decidua in Czesławice, Larix decidua subsp. polonica in Orłów Murowany as well as specimens of Pseudotsuga menziesii subsp. glauca and Taxodium distichum Rich., which rarely reach such considerable sizes in the conditions of eastern Poland, in Zwierzyniec. Deciduous trees under monumental protection (growing individually, in groups or avenues) include more than 5 200 units belonging to 56 species and varieties. In this group Tilia cordata Mill., Quercus robur L., Fraxinus excelsior L., Carpinus betulus L. and Betula pendula Roth. prevailed. Particularly noteworthy are impressive specimens Tilia cordata in Krasnobród and Szczebrzeszyn and specimens of Quercus robur L. Karczmiska and Hniszów.


Annales Horticulturae
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