Scalenie gruntów jako proces optymalizujący gospodarkę leśną na przykładzie obiektu Wólka Nurzecka


The object of study is the issue of the land consolidation process influence on optimization the forest management . Analysis were done on the land consolidation carried out in the area of predominantly of forest land. The problem of investigation was the ,,Wólka Nurzecka” object, which are comprises by the land of the four adjacent municipalities: Nurzec Stacja, Milejczyce, Czeremcha i Mielnik, located in the podlaskie voivodeship, in siemiatycki and hajnowski districts. These areas are characterized by average of more than 50% of forest cover. The article were showed the spatial structure of the land before and after the land consolidation and exchange of agricultural estates process. The main focus are the area which are in the possession of the individual farms. Obtained results shows a significant improvement in fragmentation of holdings on the the surveyed area. The land consolidation process allowed for the creation of favourable conditions for the optimal forest management. The arrangement of the land with different right of property was ordered, the fragmentation of the parcels are reduced, the location of parcels were brought closer to the actual domicile of participants in land consolidation process, and road infrastructure were improved.


Infrastruktura i Ekologia Terenów Wiejskich - Infrastructure and Ecology of Rural Areas
4 (2)
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