Charakterystyka szachownicy gruntów o układzie wstęgowym na przykładzie miejscowości Brzeziny gmina Puchaczów


In the paper were analysis and evaluation of plots patchwork in strip type in Brzeziny village, Puchaczów commune. Research was performed and was used to descriptive-research method. Studies include the registered parcel of land defined by: surface, elongation, shape, access to it from the building. Getting to know the atatus of the test spatial structure of land allowed for random-stratified selection of plots for detailed analysis so that in proportion to the number of parcels in the area group accounted for at least 10% of its numbers. In total, the research detailed adopted 226 the total number of plots. The greatest defect of the plots studied in detail is their excessive elongation particular region of south-east of the village. The studies prove the existence of many defects in the spatial structure of land in studied plots. This is primarily a consequence of land trading and fair inheritance. Analysis of the structureand ownershipof landletto note thatin the studyof the villageup96.7% of the land belongs toprivateownerswhile77% of its surface isarable land. Approximately 25% of the plotsdo not have accessto a public road. The big problemis theextension ofthe villagetestplots, which adversely affects theprofitability ofthe crop.The only rational way that could rebuild the existing layout of the land and eliminate their excessive disperse is a comprehensive consolidation of land. An important premise that let you to choose the Brzeziny village for a comprehensive consolidation is excessive fragmentation and elongation plots.


Infrastruktura i Ekologia Terenów Wiejskich - Infrastructure and Ecology of Rural Areas
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