Choroby zakaźne zwierząt łownych z zarysem biologii / redakcja naukowa Zdzisław Gliński, Krzysztof Kostro ; autorzy: Zbigniew Bełkot, Piotr Czyżowski, Leszek Drozd, Zdzisław Gliński, Małgorzata Goleman, Mirosław Karpiński, Krzysztof Kostro, Monika Król, Katarzyna Tajchman, Maria Tietze
[AUT.] Zbigniew Bełkot, [AUT.] Piotr Czyżowski, [AUT.] Leszek Drozd, [AUT.] Zdzisław Gliński, [AUT.] Małgorzata Goleman, [AUT.] Mirosław Karpiński, [AUT.] Krzysztof Kostro, [AUT.] Monika Król, [AUT.] Katarzyna Tajchman, [AUT.] Maria Tietze.
Lublin 2019 2019, Uniwersytet Przyrodniczy w Lublinie, 978-83-7259-284-2
Heart rate monitoring in novel object test as stress indicator in horses
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[AUT.] Jarosław Kamieniak, [AUT.] Leszek Sołtys, [AUT.] Wanda Krupa, [AUT.] Monika Budzyńska, [AUT.] Maria Tietze.
W: International Conference "Current Approaches to Health and Diseases in Animals and Humans", Lublin, September 19-20, 2014, Lublin 2014, s. 93, 978-83-940360-0-3
Does retained placenta influence on a maternal behavior of mares 12-hours after foaling?
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[AUT.] Wanda Krupa, [AUT.] Maria Tietze, [AUT.] Monika Budzyńska, [AUT.] Leszek Sołtys, [AUT.] Jarosław Kamieniak.
W: International Conference "Current Approaches to Health and Diseases in Animals and Humans", Lublin, September 19-20, 2014, Lublin 2014, s. 97, 978-83-940360-0-3
The structure of the epidermis of Heracleum sosnovskii Manden. shoots emitting substances that cause photodermatoses
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[AUT.] Mirosława Chwil, [AUT.] Beata Żuraw, [AUT.] Marta Dmitruk, [AUT.] Maria Tietze, [AUT.] Elżbieta Weryszko-Chmielewska, [AUT.] Anna Matysik-Woźniak.
W: Plant - the source of research material, 3 nd International Conference and Workshop, Book of Abstracts., / Ed.: Anna Bogucka-Kocka, Grażyna Szymczak, Janusz Kocki, Ireneusz Sowa. Lublin, 16-18.10.2013, Lublin 2013, s. 90, 978-83-7847-119-6
Responses of the thallus of the lichen Hypogymnia physodes (L.) Nyl. to increased concentrations of toxic gases in sheepfolds
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[AUT.] Maria Tietze, [AUT.] Elżbieta Weryszko-Chmielewska, [AUT.] Magdalena Michońska.
W: Plant - the source of research material, 2 nd International Conference and Workshop, Book of Abstracts., / Ed.: Anna Bogucka-Kocka, Janusz Kocki, Ireneusz Sowa. Lublin, 18-20.10.2012, Lublin 2012, s. 342, 978-83-7847-034-2