1. Vibration reduction with rubber-metal cab supports
artykuł [AUT.] Fomich Alexander Bezruchkoa , [AUT.] Zezetkoa Nikolai Ivanovich , [AUT.] Vello Vainola , [AUT.] Wojciech Tanaś, [AUT. KOR.] Mariusz Szymanek. Agricultural Engineering 2024 T. 28 Nr 1 s. 1-8, DOI: 10.2478/agriceng-2024-0001
2. Analysis of energy indicators of dry farming wheat production in northwest of Iran
artykuł [AUT. KOR.] Peyman Mohammadzadeh , [AUT.] Gholamhossein Shahgholi , [AUT. KOR.] Mariusz Szymanek, [AUT.] Wojciech Tanaś. Agricultural Engineering 2024 T. 28 Nr 1 s. 37-49, DOI: 10.2478/agriceng-2024-0004
3. Determination of ways of improving the process of separation of seed materials on the working surface of the pneumatic sorting table
artykuł [AUT.] Vadym Bredykhin , [AUT. KOR.] Taras Shchur , [AUT.] Liliia Kis-Korkishchenko , [AUT.] Serhii Denisenko , [AUT.] Serhii Ivashchenko , [AUT.] Andrzej Marczuk, [AUT.] Oleg Dzhidzhora , [AUT.] Maciej Kuboń . Agricultural Engineering 2024 T. 28 Nr 1 s. 51-70, DOI: 10.2478/agriceng-2024-0005
5. Influence of the forming die design on processing and physical properties of gluten-free crisps
artykuł [AUT.] Marcin Mitrus, [AUT.] Kacper Tydman , [AUT. KOR.] Marek Milanowski, [AUT.] Jakub Soja, [AUT.] Piotr Lewko, [AUT.] Karol Kupryaniuk, [AUT. KOR.] Agnieszka Wójtowicz. Agricultural Engineering 2024 T. 28 Nr 1 s. 87-96, DOI: 10.2478/agriceng-2024-0007
6. Effect of the addition o fselected unmalted raw materials to barley malt on selected parameters of malt extracts
artykuł [AUT.] Leszek Rydzak, [AUT. KOR.] Kostiantyn Vasiukov, [AUT.] Tomasz Guz, [AUT.] Marek Domin, [AUT.] Stepan Kovalyshyn , [AUT.] Piotr Kiczorowski. Agricultural Engineering 2024 T. 28 Nr 1 s. 185-194, DOI: 10.2478/agriceng-2024-0012


7. Comparison of NDVI, NDRE, MSAVI and NDSI Indices for early diagnosis of crop problems
artykuł [AUT.] Andrii Voitik , [AUT.] Vasyl Kravchenko , [AUT.] Olexandr Pushka , [AUT.] Tetyana Kutkovetska , [AUT. KOR.] Taras Shchur , [AUT.] Sławomir Kocira. Agricultural Engineering 2023 T. 27 Nr 1 s. 47-57, DOI: 10.2478/agriceng-2023-0004
8. Application of structured plant oils in selected food products
artykuł [AUT. KOR.] Katarzyna Kozłowicz. Agricultural Engineering 2023 T. 27 Nr 1 s. 99-111, DOI: 10.2478/agriceng-2023-0008
9. The latest innovations in wheat flour milling: A review
artykuł [AUT.] Dariusz Dziki. Agricultural Engineering 2023 T. 27 Nr 1 s. 147-162, DOI: 10.2478/agriceng-2023-0011
10. Trajectory planning for tractor turning using the trigonometric transition curve
artykuł [AUT.] Marek Boryga. Agricultural Engineering 2023 T. 27 Nr 1 s. 203-212, DOI: 10.2478/agriceng-2023-0015
11. Electrotechnical tools and computer image analysis in assessing the quality of maize grain during storage
artykuł [AUT. KOR.] Katarzyna Szwedziak , [AUT.] Petr Dolezal , [AUT.] Sylwester Tabor , [AUT.] Jacek Ogrodniczek . Agricultural Engineering 2023 T. 27 Nr 1 s. 213-227, DOI: 10.2478/agriceng-2023-0016
12. Improving efficiency of corn seed separation and calibration process
artykuł [AUT.] Vadym Bredykhin , [AUT.] Stanislav Tikunov , [AUT.] Maksym Slipchenko , [AUT.] Oleksiy Alfyorov , [AUT.] Alexey Bogomolov , [AUT. KOR.] Taras Shchur , [AUT.] Sławomir Kocira, [AUT.] Piotr Kiczorowski, [AUT.] Rostysav Paslavskyyj . Agricultural Engineering 2023 T. 27 Nr 1 s. 241-253, DOI: 10.2478/agriceng-2023-0018
13. Reducing the probability of failure in manufacturing equipment by quantitative FTA analysis
artykuł [AUT.] Marián Bujna , [AUT. KOR.] Miroslav Pristavka , [AUT.] K. Lee , [AUT.] Andrzej Borusiewicz , [AUT.] Waldemar Samociuk, [AUT.] Ivan Beloev , [AUT.] Urszula Malaga-Toboła . Agricultural Engineering 2023 T. 27 Nr 1 s. 255-272, DOI: 10.2478/agriceng-2023-0019
14. Heavy metal content in substrates in agricultural biogas plants
artykuł [AUT.] Stanisław Derehajło , [AUT.] Magdalena Tymińska , [AUT. KOR.] Zbigniew Skibko , [AUT.] Andrzej Borusiewicz , [AUT.] Wacław Romaniuk , [AUT.] Maciej Kuboń , [AUT.] Elżbieta Olech , [AUT.] Milan Koszel. Agricultural Engineering 2023 T. 27 Nr 1 s. 315-329, DOI: 10.2478/agriceng-2023-0023
15. The use of carrot and apple pomace in the production of healthy snack bars
artykuł [AUT.] Patrycja Łusiak, [AUT.] Jacek Mazur, [AUT. KOR.] Paweł Sobczak, [AUT.] Kazimierz Zawiślak, [AUT.] Marian Panasiewicz. Agricultural Engineering 2023 T. 27 Nr 1 s. 289-300, DOI: 10.2478/agriceng-2023-0021


16. Evaluation of the impact of tractor field works on changes in selected elements of engine oils
artykuł [AUT.] Wojciech Gołębiowski, [AUT. KOR.] Grzegorz Zając, [AUT.] Branislav Sarkan . Agricultural Engineering 2022 T. 26 Nr 1 s. 1-12, DOI: 10.2478/agriceng-2022-0001
17. Modelling wheat grain flow during sowing based on the model of grain with shifted center of gravity
artykuł [AUT.] Vladislav Zubko , [AUT.] Viktor Sirenko , [AUT.] Tetiana Kuzina , [AUT.] Viktor Onychko , [AUT.] Serhii Sokolik , [AUT.] Hynek Roubik , [AUT.] Milan Koszel, [AUT. KOR.] Taras Shchur . Agricultural Engineering 2022 T. 26 Nr 1 s. 25-37, DOI: 10.2478/agriceng-2022-0003
18. The analysis of the new farm tractors market in Poland in 2010-2020 in the context of income generated by farmers’ households
artykuł [AUT.] Artur Przywara, [AUT.] Milan Koszel, [AUT. KOR.] Anna Krawczuk, [AUT.] Alexandros Sotirios Anifantis . Agricultural Engineering 2022 T. 26 Nr 1 s. 65-79, DOI: 10.2478/agriceng-2022-0006
19. The Iinfluence of wave processes of hydraulic oils on the operation of a hydraulic drive
artykuł [AUT.] Iryna Hunko , [AUT.] Oleg Tsurkan , [AUT.] Serghiy Shargorodskiy , [AUT. KOR.] Taras Shchur , [AUT.] Hristo Beloev , [AUT.] Oleksandra Kovalyshyn , [AUT.] Marek Domin. Agricultural Engineering 2022 T. 26 Nr 1 s. 91-104, DOI: 10.2478/agriceng-2022-0008
21. Reverse engineering in modeling agricultural products
artykuł [AUT.] Marek Boryga, [AUT. KOR.] Paweł Kołodziej. Agricultural Engineering 2022 T. 26 Nr 1 s. 105-117, DOI: 10.2478/agriceng-2022-0009
22. Comparative analysis of the endurance of uv-cured adhesive joints
artykuł [AUT.] Jacek Ogrodniczek . Agricultural Engineering 2022 T. 8 Nr 1 s. 26-31, DOI: 10.35784/jteme.3056
23. Test and evaluation of the factors affecting on the freshly harvested peanut threshing machine performance
artykuł [AUT.] Jafar Abdi , [AUT. KOR.] Abdollah Golmohammadi , [AUT.] Gholamhossein Shahgholi , [AUT.] Adel Rezvanivand Fanaei , [AUT. KOR.] Mariusz Szymanek, [AUT.] Wojciech Tanaś. Agricultural Engineering 2022 T. 26 Nr 1 s. 167-185, DOI: 10.2478/agriceng-2022-0014
24. Methodic approach to assessment of the types of balanced land use of rural areas
artykuł [AUT.] Oleksandra Kovalyshyn , [AUT.] Lubov Pendzey , [AUT.] Nataliia Tretiak , [AUT.] Olha Kulikovska , [AUT.] Plamen Kangalov , [AUT. KOR.] Taras Shchur , [AUT.] Sławomir Kocira. Agricultural Engineering 2022 T. 26 Nr 1 s. 215-229, DOI: 10.2478/agriceng-2022-0017
25. Simulation of design parameters of a milking cup with an extended service life
artykuł [AUT.] Jonas Čėsnaa , [AUT.] Oleksandr Medvedskyib , [AUT.] Yulia Postolc , [AUT.] Valentina Kukharetsd , [AUT.] Maksym Zayets , [AUT.] Roman Hrudovije , [AUT.] Yuriy Pantsyrf , [AUT.] Janusz Zarajczyk, [AUT.] Zbigniew Daniel . Agricultural Engineering 2022 T. 26 Nr 1 s. 243-252, DOI: 10.2478/agriceng-2022-0019
26. Preventing food waste in the food retail sector in the light of the current legislation in Poland
artykuł [AUT.] Konrad Żukiewicz , [AUT.] Tomasz Słowik, [AUT.] Agnieszka Dudziak. Agricultural Engineering 2022 T. 26 Nr 1 s. 187-199, DOI: 10.2478/agriceng-2022-0015


27. Assessment of the Pine forests condition using forest factors, physiological characteristics and remote detection data
artykuł [AUT. KOR.] Mariusz Szymanek, [AUT.] Wojciech Tanaś, [AUT.] Maciej Sprawka, [AUT.] Alexander Pugachevsky , [AUT.] Alexander Sazonov , [AUT.] Sergey Kostyukevich , [AUT.] Mikhail Kudin , [AUT.] Anatoly Puchilo , [AUT.] Oleg Semyonov , [AUT.] Vladimir Shukanov . Agricultural Engineering 2021 T. 25 Nr 1 s. 29-49, DOI: 10.2478/agriceng-2021-0003
30. Technical parameters of biostimulant spraying a determinant of biometric traits and yield of soybean seeds
artykuł [AUT. KOR.] Anna Krawczuk, [AUT.] Stanisław Parafiniuk, [AUT.] Artur Przywara, [AUT.] Bruno Huyghebaert , [AUT.] Fabienne Rabier , [AUT.] Quentin Limbourg , [AUT.] Olivier Mostade , [AUT.] Sławomir Kocira. Agricultural Engineering 2021 T. 25 Nr 1 s. 171-179, DOI: 10.2478/agriceng-2021-0014
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