1. Handbook of research on improving the natural and ecological conditions of the Polesie zone
monografia [RED.] Anatoliy Rokochinskiy , [RED.] Lyudmyla Kuzmych , [RED.] Pavlo Volk . [b.m.] 2023 2023, IGI Global, 9781668482483, DOI: 10.4018/978-1-6684-8248-3
2. Characteristic features of the Polish part of Polesie
rozdział z monografii [AUT.] J. Jeznach , [AUT.] Danuta Urban, [AUT.] Zdzisław Michalczyk , [AUT.] Mariusz Kulik, [AUT.] Piotr Sugier , [AUT.] Grzegorz Grzywaczewski. W: Handbook of research on improving the natural and ecological conditions of the Polesie zone, [Lublin] 2023 2023, IGI Global s. 21-29, 9781668482483, DOI: 10.4018/978-1-6684-8248-3.ch002


3. Handbook of research on advanced phytochemicals and plant-based drug discovery
monografia [RED.] Singh Ajeet . [Hershey] 2022 2022, IGI Global, 9781668451298, DOI: 10.4018/978-1-6684-5129-8
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