1. Four cases of testicular disorder of sexual development (DSD) in cats (38,XY; SRY-positive)
inne publikacje [AUT.] I. Szczerbal , [AUT.] J. Nowacka-Woszuk , [AUT.] S. Salamon , [AUT.] B. Kociucka , [AUT.] H. Jackowiak , [AUT.] E. Prozorowska , [AUT.] Brygida Ślaska, [AUT.] Dorota Różańska, [AUT.] Maciej Orzelski, [AUT.] M. Ochota . W: 2014 Vol. 22 Issue 3, Conference: 21st International Colloquium on Animal Cytogenetics and Gene Mapping (ICACGM), Naples, ITALY, JUN 07-10, 2014, CHROMOSOME RESEARCH 2014, s. 404-404, DOI: 10.1007/s10577-014-9435-7
2. Physical mapping of the HSPB genes in the domestic and wild pigs
inne publikacje [AUT.] Barbara Danielak-Czech , [AUT.] Anna Kozubska-Sobocińska , [AUT.] Katarzyna Kruczek , [AUT.] Marek Babicz. W: 2014 Vol. 22 Issue 3, Conference: 21st International Colloquium on Animal Cytogenetics and Gene Mapping (ICACGM), Naples, ITALY, JUN 07-10, 2014, CHROMOSOME RESEARCH 2014, s. 413
3. Comparative physical mapping of genes associated with meat production traits in the wild pig genome
inne publikacje [AUT.] Anna Kozubska-Sobocińska , [AUT.] Barbara Danielak-Czech , [AUT.] Agnieszka Bąk , [AUT.] Marek Babicz. W: 2014 Vol. 22 Issue 3, Conference: 21st International Colloquium on Animal Cytogenetics and Gene Mapping (ICACGM), Naples, ITALY, JUN 07-10, 2014, CHROMOSOME RESEARCH 2014, s. 414-414


5. Mapping of QTL affecting production and egg quality traits on 1-5 chicken chromosomes
artykuł [AUT.] Barbara Wardęcka , [AUT.] Rafał Olszewski , [AUT.] Kazimierz Jaszczak , [AUT.] Grzegorz Zięba. CHROMOSOME RESEARCH 2002 s. 49
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