1. The regional environment of smart organisations as a source for entrepreneurship development in the EU
artykuł [AUT.] Hanna Godlewska-Majkowska , [AUT.] Agnieszka Komor, [AUT.] Tomasz Pilewicz , [AUT.] Patrycjusz Zarębski . Entrepreneurial Business and Economics Review 2023 T. 11 Nr 3 s. 142-162, DOI: 10.15678/EBER.2023.110309


2. What drives consumers in Poland and the Czech Republic when choosing engine oil brand?
artykuł [AUT. KOR.] Artur Wolak , [AUT.] Kamil Fijorek , [AUT.] Grzegorz Zając, [AUT.] Vojtěch Kumbár . Entrepreneurial Business and Economics Review 2019 T. 7 Nr 4 s. 165-184, DOI: 10.15678/EBER.2019.070410


3. Special economic zones as growth and anti-growth ooles as exemplified by Polish regions
artykuł [AUT.] Hanna Godlewska-Majkowska , [AUT.] Agnieszka Komor, [AUT.] Magdalena Typa . Entrepreneurial Business and Economics Review 2016 T. 4 Nr 4 s. 189-212, DOI: 10.15678/EBER.2016.040412
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